The 5 factors to help you decide how much time to take off work after having a baby

The 5 factors to help you decide how much time to take off work after having a baby

You just found out that you are pregnant? Congratulations! And welcome to a whole lot of planning, organizing and deciding. Among the things you have to decide is how much time off work you want to take. With my first daughter I went back to work after the end of maternity leave (8 weeks after…

How to apply for maternity leave in Japan

How to apply for maternity leave in Japan

The term ‘applying’ for maternity leave might actually be a little bit confusing. You are legally entitled to maternity leave. Therefore, you might think of it as informing the different stakeholders of your situation. These notifications are important for your social security payments and the receipt of the financial support while on maternity leave. The…

7 Best Tips to Communicate your Pregnancy and Maternity Leave To Your Employer

7 Best Tips to Communicate your Pregnancy and Maternity Leave To Your Employer

Within the same month of my promotion to management level I found out that I was pregnant. Thanks to examples of female managers and executives going on and returning from maternity leave within my organization just months before I hardly worried. I jumped right to “how to make this work” and how to create a…

The Top 5 Sources of Inspiration For Career Mommas Raising Global Babies
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The Top 5 Sources of Inspiration For Career Mommas Raising Global Babies

Who do you turn to for inspiration and advice as a mom and professional raising bi-racial children in a third country? Below I’m going to share the top sources of inspiration that continue to motivate me and have changed my life for the better. With the many many mom blogs out there today, it is…